Ancient Wisdom #12: The origins of whitewashing

Who was the first con man in history?

The serpent in the Garden of Eden? Not exactly a man.

Cain, when he tried to deceive G-d after murdering his brother? Not much of a con.

In fact, it was Laban, the father-in-law of Jacob. Particularly galling was how he kept the con going even after he was exposed.

By doing so, he paved the way for countless modern tricksters and spinmeisters to lie out of both sides of their mouth without a sliver of shame, even when their deceptions are revealed for all to see.

This is the world we live in today.

Good is bad.
Bad is good.
Terrorists are heroes.
Victims are oppressors and perpetrators.

We are spiraling toward increasingly blind ideology, intellectual incoherence, and moral anarchy. We are abandoning order for chaos. We are overturning our core values for a false vision of a utopian dream that will steal from us all the good we have built over generations and leave us with nothing but misery.

It's only a minority that are instigating this. But it's a vocal minority, and they have claimed control of the narrative.

If the rest of us go along with it, we'll have no one but ourselves to blame.

We can't stop the flim flam. But we don't have to take it lying down, either. Use your voice. Be informed and articulate. Be civil yet firm. Our future depends on standing together and speaking truth to corruption.

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#ethics #values #integrity #culture #perspective


“They cannot steal our joy”


Occupation, oppression, apartheid: the trifecta of disinformation and deceit